Individual; The Pleasure Principle in Masochism; The Causes of Wholesale or Mass Torture; The Effects of Torture; Torture Among Savage and Primitive Races; Torture in Ancient Greece and Rome; The Progress of Torture; The Holy Inquisition; Torture in Great Britain and Ireland; The Persecution of the Witches; Torture in China, Japan and India; The Torture of Slaves in the West Indies, Mauritius and the United States of America; The War upon Torture; Some Notorious Torturers; Impaling Methods; Burning at the Stake, Branding, Boiling to Death, the Fire-pan and the Brazen Bull; Squassation, the Rack, the Wheel, the Boot and the Scavenger¿s Daughter; Whipping and Beating; Mutilation, Drawing and Quartering, Decapitation, etc.; Burying Alive, Hanging Alive in Chains, Starvation, the ¿Virgin Mary,¿ etc.; Torture by Ordeal; Miscellaneous Forms of Torture; Methods of Self-inflicted Torture; Modern Methods of Torture; Forms of Torture of Animals; The Futility of Torture in the Fight Against Criminality; The Evils of Torture as a Form of Punishment; The Psychopathological Element in Torture, and its Treatment; The Abolition of Torture. This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience.