Craniomaxillofacial surgery specializes in treating many diseases, injuries and defects in the whole area of the mouth, jaws,face, skull, and associated structures. This book will provide basic knowledge to diverse group of surgeons who performcraniomaxillofacial surgery. It will play a crucial role in the growth of this field through its research, teaching, and cooperation.The goal of this book is to advance the knowledge of this field. To make this a comprehensive book, international authoritieswrote chapters for this area. This book presents progress in craniomaxillofacial surgery through the technical and scientificadvances. This book covers basic considerations in the diagnosis of craniomaxillofacial defects and disorders. The presentbook is aimed to create a combined collection of study material for surgeons, medical professionals, researchers andstudents to understand the field. The book covers many topics of the recent therapeutic approaches and researches made inthis area. This book grasps and keeps vital information, succinct text, and dynamic illustrations that facilitate learning in ahighly visual approach. Readers will find this book valuable.