Today, the eerily - unleashed events in the globe, especially in Islamic countries, injure the conscience of the common humanity. It is however unfortunate that these events are perpetrated in the name of Islam, which is the most distressing and unacceptable situation for us. However, even the very name of Islamic religion etymologically and semantically suggests whatsoever beautiful and bountiful connotations and significations we can attribute to the word, including peace and salvation. Therefore the image of the religion is manipulatively tarnished and intentionally diverted from the aforementioned meanings, innocents killed in various geographies of the Islamic world by bombs may bring to mind contradictions in terms; however, it is decreed in the Qur¿an ¿He who kills a soul unless it be (in legal punisment) for murder or for causing disorder and coruption on the earth will be as if he had killed all humankind; and he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind¿; this verse in the Qur¿an emphasizes the fact that Islam attaches great importance to the right to life.