"SalvatorSalvatore Scolavino, e Scolavino, DDSDDS,, maintains a pri- maintains a pri-vate practice dedicated to conservative vate practice dedicated to conservative denti-denti-strystry, endodontics, and pr, endodontics, and prosthodontics in Naples,osthodontics in Naples, ItalyItaly. He is a visiting lectur. He is a visiting lecturer on rer on restorative andestorative and esthetic dentistry at the University of Bologna inesthetic dentistry at the University of Bologna in Italy and the Italy and the University of Montpellier University of Montpellier in France.in France. In addition, Dr Scolavino is a co-founder of theIn addition, Dr Scolavino is a co-founder of the WWeRestoreRestore.it pre.it project (wwwoject (www.wer.werestorestore.it), the au-e.it), the au-thor of numerthor of numerous jourous journal articles, and a speakernal articles, and a speaker at courses and congrat courses and congresses in Italy and abresses in Italy and abroad.oad. He is an active member of the Italian AcademyHe is an active member of the Italian Academy of Conservative and Restorative Dentistry (AIC),of Conservative and Restorative Dentistry (AIC), the Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry (SI-the Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry (SI-DOC), and the Italian Academy of Esthetic Den-DOC), and the Italian Academy of Esthetic Den-tistry (IAED).tistry (IAED).
Gaetano Paolone, DDS, teaches conservative teaches conservative dentistry at the Vdentistry at the Vita-Salute San Rafita-Salute San Raffaele Univerfaele Univer--sity in Milan and lectursity in Milan and lectures for the master'es for the master's cours cour--se se in in esthetics esthetics and and rrestorative estorative dentistry dentistry at at thethe University of Bologna. He is also an associateUniversity of Bologna. He is also an associate rresearesearcher in operative dentistry at the Univercher in operative dentistry at the Univer--sity of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Dr Paolone lectursity of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Dr Paolone lectureses widely in widely in Italy and Italy and abrabroad and oad and is the is the author andauthor and co-author of book chapters and many scientifico-author of book chapters and many scientifi cc articles. He is a co-founder of the Warticles. He is a co-founder of the WeRestoreRestore.ite.it prproject oject and is an and is an active member active member of the of the AIC, theAIC, the IAED, and the Italian Academy of MicrIAED, and the Italian Academy of Microscopicoscopic Dentistry Dentistry (AIOM). Dr (AIOM). Dr Paolone Paolone maintains maintains a a privateprivate practice in Rome.practice in Rome." |