Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of the most prevalent and complex problems that we see in the field of sexual medicine. Practically every man irrespective of his age,
race, nationality, health or financial status experiences it sometime or the other in his life. Starting from adolescent boys to men in their 60s, 70s and 80s, I have seen the
entire spectrum of men struggling with this problem with the widest possible range of causes (etiology), from psychogenic to organic to iatrogenic. Each of these cases
needs an individual and specific analysis, diagnosis and treatment. I haven't found a single book that encompasses all aspects, approaches and options concerning the
diagnosis and management of ED. All the information concerning ED is scattered and randomly spread across the sexology literature. I have put it all together in a
systematic and easy-to-unfold manner in this book, to guide every qualified medical practitioner practicing with integrity, irrespective of his specialization or experience.