Three Hearts, Two Choices, One Unforgettable Journey...
Jenny, a devoted nurse, thought her life was under control until she met Derick, a kind-hearted man with a secretive past who stirs up unexpected emotions in Jenny.
Just as things heat up with Derick, enters Ted, a carefree wanderer with disdain for commitment.
Sparks fly, and Jenny finds herself caught in a whirlwind romance that sets her heart racing.
With love pulling her in two dissimilar directions, Jenny's world becomes a rollercoaster of passion.
As she unravels the truth about her past, she must make a choice between the thrill of adventure with Ted or the stability of a deeper connection with Derick.
Can she follow her heart and find the happiness she deserves, or will her past and the complexities of love hinder her from finding true happiness?
-A gripping tale of love, romance, and an impossible love triangle.