Animal Ghosts" by Elliott O'Donnell is a fascinating exploration of the paranormal phenomenon involving the apparitions of deceased animals, commonly known as animal ghosts. In this book, O'Donnell delves into various accounts and encounters with spectral animals, recounting eerie and unexplained experiences where people have claimed to witness the spirits of animals long after their physical deaths. The author discusses a wide range of encounters, including ghostly dogs, cats, horses, and other creatures. He provides anecdotes and case studies, attempting to shed light on the mystery of why these apparitions occur and what significance they might hold in the realm of the supernatural. Throughout the book, O'Donnell blends storytelling with speculation, addressing both the accounts of witnesses and possible explanations for these haunting occurrences. "Animal Ghosts" offers readers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the paranormal world, where the spirits of animals continue to captivate human imagination and curiosity.