Joshua Okpara, hailing from Lagos, Nigeria, learned the resilience required to conquer adversity at a young age. He faced the tragic loss of his mother just two weeks before his eighth birthday. Shortly thereafter, he embarked on a journey to the United States, seeking a fresh start.Navigating the challenges of adapting to a new and unfamiliar environment, Joshua grappled with anxiety, depression, and even contemplated suicide. At the tender age of 14, he survived a suicide attempt, which marked the beginning of his mission to inspire, challenge, and motivate others to discover and live out their God-given purpose."Unfamiliar territory develops self-awareness."Joshua's unwavering belief in God's blessing to humanity-as stated in Genesis 1:26, to rule the Earth in His image and likeness-serves as the driving force behind all his endeavors. This foundational belief underpins the resources he provides, his consulting and coaching work, and his ministry.Joshua Okpara is the accomplished author of ten best-selling books, including titles like, Where Does It Hurt? 31 Days to A Better You, Handling Uncertainty, and Discovering Your Value, which have garnered international acclaim.Joshua is married to Charmecia Okpara and, together, they are raising their son, Josiah Okpara. Recognized for his charisma, leadership, and profound dedication to purpose, he also holds the position of founder and senior pastor at Faith Filled Church, situated in Lewisville, Texas. Joshua's life and work continue to inspire and empower those around him.