"She - the Powerhouse" is an Anthology written by 81 writers in 3 different languages which was published on "International Women's Day" (08.03.2024). Writers have shown their love to the known and unknown faces of women all over the world. We are proud of women whether she is young or old, dark skinned or fair, educated or uneducated, working or homemaker whatever they are, we bow down our heads to them. Women's Day is a day to celebrate the achievements of women and to call for gender equality. We can support women all over the world by donating to organizations that work to empower women and girls, such as women's shelters, educational programs. It's also about raising awareness about issues like gender discrimination, violence against women, and unequal access to education and healthcare. So, on International Women's Day, let's celebrate the women in our lives and the women around the world who are making a difference. We as a team, happy and proud to publish this special book on a very special day.