In the wake of her encounters with a mysterious neighbor...
Haunted by her past and the belief she once held, Faith embarks on a quest for redemption in "Forget the Wolves." This gripping sequel to "Don't Feed the Wolves" dives deeper into Faith's journey in a world where she's learning that the truth may not be what she thought.
As she uncovers the gentle nature of her neighbor and reevaluates her preconceived beliefs, Faith grapples with a profound realization: to find salvation, she must forget the wolves to be wary of a greater enemy-a roaring lion. In this Christian Dystopian Science Fiction story, Faith must confront a new truth, one that challenges her perceptions and survival instincts.
For readers who cherished "Don't Feed the Wolves" and seek a thought-provoking exploration of faith and the quest for truth, "Forget the Wolves" is an immersive tale of redemption in a world where Faith must navigate the shadows of uncertainty to find the light of unwavering conviction.
Buy "Forget the Wolves" today!