"Welcome into my biochemistry. Have a nice trip!", writes the author as the starting point of, and the key to, this collection of 43 poems (all translated to Italian - testo a fronte in italiano) which has the sound - sounds - of thirteen years of words and life (2003-2015).
Inside, there are light, body, notes, the hallucinogens of fantasy, monkeys and dogs, mud, wax matches of relief mostly clubbed by a lump of evil (hence the "carcasses" of the title) with big lungs, nails, drops of woman, and the footsteps of her absence.
Inside there are tricks, and sincerity. And a Sound Diary.
In short, while reading these lines, one finds the voice of sensations, more than that of sense, and a relentless, yet almost subterranean, hunt for a crumb of beauty.