African Americans have seen marked improvements in all aspects of their lives in the past fifty years. Laws have permitted and supported discriminatory practices and procedures against African Americans in every aspect of their lives. They have always had to prove their worth just to be recognized or considered for a position, to accomplish goals that others were automatically afforded. It was not uncommon for African Americans to experience major setbacks based solely on the color of their skin. African American women have been at a greater disadvantage due to being African American and female; a double minority, if you will. Educational and employment opportunities were limited and when they were made available, those with experience made little effort to mentor African Americans to ensure their success. History has proven race and gender impacts leadership skills and potential as well as upward mobility in the workplace. Meeting the basic requirements for higher education, an internship, or employment is only one component necessary for success. Mentoring is a major factor in the success of individuals and without successful mentoring, many African Americans face adversity, isolation, and unnecessary hardships.Mentoring in the African American community has been a source of comfort for many years. The familial unit has served as a sounding board, a source of support and a safe place to disclose one's innermost feelings encompassing mental, spiritual and career struggles. Mentoring in all aspects of life is beneficial to the success of the individual, whether in education, one's social life, or employment. With individuals that are committed to the mentoring process, both parties will find mentoring beneficial and rewarding. It is essential for African Americans to reach back and lift up a protégé while simultaneously climbing the ladder of success. The issue is addressed to academics and schoolteachers as well as researchers in the field of physics education.