Doctors in respiratory medicine diagnose and treat conditions affecting the respiratory (breathing)system, i.e the nose, throat (pharynx), larynx, the windpipe (trachea), the lungs and the diaphragm. Thisbook provides in-depth knowledge of respiratory diseases with their causes, symptoms and diagnosis.It also focuses on the use of medicines in the treatment of respiratory problems. The uniqueness of thisbook is its special references on techniques and procedures that are used in the treatment of obstructivediseases. This book will be highly beneficial to students, teachers and research workers in the field ofrespiratory medicine. This book primarily provides comprehensive overview on this field. This bookconsists of contributions made by international experts. The book has been compiled with differentchapters based on the original research work by eminent academicians and scientists. Based on thecontents of this book, it provides practical guidelines to the management and diagnosis of patientsrequiring medical attention.The main aim of this book is to help the physicians and students so that theycan understand well this field of medicine.