If we can heal our hearts then we can heal the world seem like something that should be easy for many and then we can heal the world as fast as we can but can we really do that?. This book will let you look at life through a healing perspective through a different lens. I alwasy beleived that the start of a human demise can start from puting our hearts in the hand of someone wh ois not responsible enough to handle the frequency of our heart. Learning that in every situation that causes a reaction affects our heart when we react. Knowing that if you react that you knwo just how much your heart can endure during your reaction and of course learning how to heal with words becasue the majority of heartbreak start with words. Giving out what you expect back and living the life we all deserve because we have been through major events the past couple of years and funny thing is no matter how much money you have, how cute you are, how far you live , smart you are, and all that good stuff. We all have been affected by the same event if you really look at that deeply. It's serious and I hope that the words that I am writing in this book can help many if not all of us and liek I always say. " I write from what I beleive not what you should beleive, but you are free to join me if you can look at life through the same lens I write from". Here is a quote for you to think about. "Life is like a pair of glasses, you have to clean them every now and then in order to see things clearly".
I have met people who have read my books and they use my words towards me trying to be fececious but I don't care, it's funny but Thank you to all of my readers and never stop reading and when you get a chance go get my bother books.